Cooperation platform
for non-Olympic sports federations
In 2017, The World Games 2017 was held in Wroclaw, Poland, featuring more than 3,000 athletes from 112 countries in 31 non-Olympic sports.
The legacy of The World Games and the enthusiasm that remained after the competition were the inspiration for those involved in non-Olympic sports in Poland to form the world’s first national committee of sports associations for these disciplines. This is how the Polish Committee for Non-Olympic Sports (PKSN) came into being.
At present, the goal is for other European countries to establish national committees for non-Olympic sports. In this way, there is a chance for the creation of a „non-Olympic movement” in Europe and the world. Therefore – on the basis of research – we are trying to prepare tools that will be helpful in discussing the directions of action and strengthening the development of non-Olympic sports.

Our Project
The main task of the project is to prepare the European non-Olympic sports Community for formal cooperation. Dynamically developing Olympic Movement in 2021 concentrates 47 summer disciplines and 15 winter ones. However, there are hundreds more disciplines in the world: traditional, regional, niche and just gaining popularity. They are developing independently of the Olympic Movement, establishing Non-Olympic sport federations, clubs, leagues and competitions. The aim of the project is to investigate the state of development of these sports in the European Union, and creating a european cooperation platform for Non-Olympic federations and clubs.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.